(02) 6021 5034


Limelight 3.0: Art | Science | Light, Gateway Island Wodonga, April 2024. Image by Focus Fotos

Murray Arts is a connector between creatives and their community. We focus on the facilitation, participation and promotion of arts and cultural development on the Border and wider region. We are advocates for our region’s creative community and the industries they serve. 

We contribute directly to the arts and cultural lifeblood of the Border region by working directly with individuals, communities and local government to assist them on delivery projects to enhance the arts and cultural life of their communities.

Murray Arts is one of 14 Regional Arts Boards in NSW and also part of the Regional Arts Victoria Cultural Network. We service the local government areas of AlburyCity, Greater Hume and Federation in NSW and Wodonga City, Indigo and Towong in Victoria.

Are you looking for funding for your project? Do you need some help in developing a grant application? Murray Arts offers one on one grant advice, a database of funding opportunities and grant writing workshops throughout the year. 

Murray Arts is the information hub on arts and cultural activities in the Border and North East. You can find out what’s happening in the region, get the latest news, or be a feature artist all in the one place! 

Did you know our e-newsletter is delivered each month to a huge subscriber base right across the region? Don’t miss your opportunity to get information on your event out to a regional audience by promoting your activities through the e-newsletter.


Our Region

Our footprint borders the Indigenous Nations of Duduroa, Yaithmathang, Bangerang, Wiradjuri, Yorta Yorta and Wavaroo and encompasses the local government areas of Albury City, Federation Shire, Greater Hume Shire, Indigo Shire, Towong Shire and Wodonga City.

We Value

Just as the Murray is the lifeblood of the region served by Murray Arts, for 14 years the organisation (Regional Arts Board Albury Wodonga from 1996-2003) has served the arts and cultural communities of the Border region.

At Murray Arts we value:

  • Artistic endeavour, creativity and integrity.
  • The arts as a medium to challenge us and explore our humanity.
  • The opportunity to participate, express ourselves and access all artforms.
  • Community wellbeing through the arts.
  • The ability of the arts to connect us.

The Murray Arts Strategic Plan 2015-2018 has identified the following key strategic priorities:

  • Information and Communication
  • Forging Strong Partnerships
  • Building Community Capacity
  • Strategic Project Delivery
  • A Sustainable Organisation

Our Core Partnerships

 Core Funding Partner:

Local Government Partners:

Local Government Partners:

Peak Regional Arts Bodies: